Thursday, August 03, 2006

A dark and stormy night

Well, the temp finally fell and along with it the sky....or so it seemed. Yesterday we rode up north of Muskegon to visit the boys at camp for parents night. On the ride home we could see the clouds to the south. We watched as they moved over the lake and darkened the sky to nearly pitch when it should still have been light out. First there were the innocent sprinkles and then after another 60 miles we really drove into it. The lightning was unreal. It was so constant at some points that the road way was completely illuminated. We drove for about 30 miles in nearly zero visablility, the rain coming down in sheets. This was the first time I have ever heard the Emergency Broadcast System actually used on the radio, not just the test. Once we were fairly close to home, the storm still was not letting up and my little girl was getting completely freaked out, there was a huge bolt of lightning and enormous thunder right after. At this point she was terrified ( and this is a kid who is not afraid of anything). I had to reach into the backseat to hold onto her...all the while my body is in a contortionist state....for the rest of the ride.
Suffice to say, we made it home in one piece.
The thunder did wake me up over and over again all throught the night. I woke up late for my run with my training partner, but after calling her I discovered that the storms were still going strong this morning and the news was telling us to stay indoors. No run in the morning for me.

This afternoon the temp was slowly returning to hot. I did get in a nice long run and had a great breeze the whole time, a nice relief!

Hopefully the lake didn't turn too much...the wind was never really bad durning the storm so I'm hopeful that it's still nice and warm.
Steelhead forcast for Saturday is 85 degrees and a lot less humid than it has been in a week...all good!

Tomorrow is registration. Tri Hawg has his list and all of his gear set up on the kitchen table all ready to go. He's ready to race and put all that training to the test. New tire on the bike...hope nothing else needs repair until after the race!

The boys will be home on race day and had better get there before their dad finishes...or else :0) !
I'm excited!

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