Sunday, May 27, 2007

Soccer Season-Done

Another soccer season has come and gone. Both Alex and Arianna had a great time and both did really well and scored lots of goals.
Alex's team had a really slow start. They came together as a team after about a half dozen games and then finally started to tie and win a couple of games. This team struggled for a while, but in the end totally redeemed themselves in the tournament. All the soccer teams play tournaments at the end of the season. The regular season's standings are wiped out and everyone starts fresh. Each game is sudden death, if you don't win, you don't go on. Alex's team....the one with some pretty bad regular season standings....WON the Championship tournament! These kids really wanted to win and it showed. The picture above is Alex taking a shot on goal...yes, it made it in. Next year Alex will move up to U16. I'm not sure if he will play High School soccer next year, he's already committed to football and hockey. I do hope that he sticks with the rec league next spring though.
Now Arianna.....Well, let's just say "she's good!" She was one of the oldest girls on her team and will definately move up to U12 in the fall. She scored every goal that her team made this season....I'm not kidding here. She has been watching her brothers play from the time she was an infant and it is unreal how good she has become. She was invited to join a National AYSO team and travel to Hawaii in '09 for the National Tournament. We're still thinking about it. She will be playing at a regional tournament in a couple of weeks here in Michigan with some girls that she played with over the winter. I am looking forward to seeing this team play, they were really good and were beating some of the local travel teams.
This years medals are already adorning the bedroom walls. Nice job.

1 comment:

Wes said...

Hee, hee. Luv soccer! How sweet it is that your daughter is so skilled to get invited to join a prestigious team like that!