Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Cool Things

Sometimes when you bike you get to see some pretty nasty things. Country roads are full of road kill that one must be adept at riding around and forcing one's self to, at all costs, not look at. Yes, there is always the bad, but then there is the good too. And when we get to see the cool stuff it just makes riding all worthwhile. Today I got to see the good and the bad, but mostly the good. I always ride in the country. Not too much traffic, some bumpy roads and mostly beautiful landscape. About twenty minutes into my ride I spotted a small yellow plane. It was flying close to the ground, about 100-200 feet, really close. My first thought was, this guy is either goofing off or crop dusting. Once I crested a small hill, I found myself right in front of a vineyard, I could see him come back around making a tight turn and then diving once again over the grapes. Crop Duster. I watched him swoop down and then quickly back up and around again over and over for about five minutes. I took a few photos with my phone and really wish I had had my camera with me. It was really fun to watch. Just one of those cool things.


Wes said...

Now that's the kind of places I like to ride! and seeing cool stuff is such a bonus :-) Where are the hills? ;-)

Clot Buster said...

Who knows what else you will be able to see? Good to see you keeping up with your training! If you see any more cool things definitely share them with all of us. I will do the same for sure. First race coming up this weekend. Let's see how it goes!
All the Best!

Benson said...

way cool! and inspirational too. remember to stay up wind so you don't get dusted yourself.

Unknown said...

I am an Michigan expat and didn't know there were vineyards in MI! Looks like a great ride.

PS - just jumped over from TriGeekDeams...